Are you looking for Carcraft codes? On this website, you will find valid codes for the game with which you can redeem rewards such as Loot boxes. Enjoy the rewards now and whenever you come back for new codes.
All Carcraft codes
- CARS32: Redeem this code for a VIP Loot Box (New!)
We have checked all codes here; if they do not currently work, they have most likely already expired.
- OCEAN42: Redeem this code for Loot Boxes and Gold
- CARS23: Redeem for Free Loot Boxes and Gold
- TRAPS27: Redeem for Free Loot Boxes and Gold
- DEFENSE21: Redeem for Free Loot Boxes and Gold
- MYTHIC16: Redeem for Free Loot Boxes and Gold
- SURVIVAL12: redeem this code for Loot boxes
- PARTY9: exchange this code for 1 Loot box and gold
- MERGE6: redeem this code for 4 Loot Boxes
- NY2022: redeem this code for 6 Loot Boxes
Fortunately, there are no expired codes yet. If any valid ones expire, we will add them to this list.
How to redeem codes for Carcraft
Unlike the other Roblox games in Carcraft to redeem codes, you will need to go to the safe that you will find on the main screen of the game, this is where you must enter all the codes that are valid.
Attached is an image where you can find the safe.
Where do we find these codes?
What we do is follow the Twitter account of the game creator @PlayCarcraft and also his discord Carcraft on Roblox where we find there the most updated codes and incorporate them into this list.
If you like other Roblox games and want their codes, here you have all the Roblox game codes so you can see if you have your favorite game on this list.