All valid codes for Roblox Clicker Frezny game you will find them in this list. We have compiled the valid codes along with their rewards in the form of pets, coins, and in-game items, redeem them now and get your rewards.
All Clicker Frenzy codes
- 17500LIKES: Redeem this code for a Revenge Guard
These are all codes that are currently working and are 100% operational. If you want to get the first, new codes, we recommend you follow the Discord account
- EMERALD: Redeem this code for an Emerald Sage Dominus
- GALAXY: Redeem this code for a Galactic Infernus
- CASEBUX: Redeem this code for a Robux Dominus V2
- ROYAL: Redeem this code for a Dominus Royal Punk
- HAPPYEASTER: Redeem this code for The Easiest Egg
- BOMBASTICPARTY: Redeem this code for a Bombastic Doge
- BLUEALERT: Redeem this code for a Dominus Blue Alert
- SKULL: Redeem this code for a Dominus Skull
- CANDY: Redeem this code for a Cotton Candy Dominus
- MMMCHEEZBURGER: Redeem this code for a Cheezburger
- CYAN: Redeem this code for a Cyan Alert Dominus
- 3MVISITS: Redeem this code for a Shaggy Bombastic
- NEWYEARS2022: Redeem this code for 2022 Boppers
- SWEET: Redeem this code for Sweet Punk Dominus
- ONEYEAR: Redeem this code for One Year Anniversary Effect
- CHRISTMAS: Redeem this code for Christmas Fedora
- MONSTER: Redeem this code for Monster Punk Dominus
- WOODOM: Redeem this code for Wooden Domino Crown
- HAPPYTHANKSGIVING: Redeem this code for Turkey Head
- 15KLIKES: Redeem this code for Minty Mild Domino Crown
- 2MVISITS: Redeem this code for Dominus Rocoprus
- YELLOW: Redeem this code for Yellow Alert Dominus
- ORANGE: Redeem this code for Orange Alert Dominus
- KEYLIME: Redeem this code for Key Lime Dominus
- 10KLIKES: Redeem this code for Prism Fedora
- DUALITY: Redeem this code for Duality Alert Dominus
- GREENIE: Redeem this code for Green Alert Dominus
- 1MVISITS: Redeem this code for Suroproc Sunimod
- SUPREME: Redeem this code for Supreme Punk Dominus
How to redeem codes for Clicker Frenzy
To redeem these codes is very simple, go to the left side inside the game on the Twitter icon and click on it, it will open a tab that will allow you to enter all valid codes (As in the image). Redeem them all and get all the rewards, easy!.
Take benefit of the fact that all codes are valid to get the most rewards, we know that codes expire, so hurry as much as you can.
Also if you want more codes from other Roblox games, we have compiled a list of all Roblox game codes for you and your friends to enjoy.