A compilation of codes for the Roblox game Zombie Tycoon Codes from Reunited Games. We explain how to redeem them and which codes are currently operational.
All codes for Zombie Tycoon
This is the collection of valid codes. If you have seen any that are expiring, we would like to hear from you in the comment box so we can move them to expire.
- PENGUINS26: Redeem this code for a Penguin gun Skin (New!)
- MAPLE24: Redeem this code for the Maple Gun Skin
- PALMS22: Redeem this code for the skin Palms Gun Skin
- SUMMERTIME: Redeem this code for the Shells Gun Skin.
- 18KTHUMBS: Redeem this code for a Eighteen Gun skin
- SIXTEEN1000: Redeem code for a Cosmos Spring Gun Skin
- BLOOMY: Redeem code for a free skin
- BAGOFLIKES: Redeem code for Snake Gun Skin
- THANKSFOR10K: Redeem code for Snake Gun Skin
- DOZEN: Redeem code for Christmas Trees Gun Skin
- HAPPY2022: Redeem code for free Reward
- SANTA: Redeem this code and get the candy cane skin
- THANKSFOR10K: Redeem this code and get a snake gun design
- OCHO000: Redeem this code and get the Polar Light skin
- MINIBOSSES: Redeem this code and get a free gray camouflage skin
- SPACELAUNCH: Redeem this code and get a meteorite skin
- ZOMBIE: Redeem this code and get $2,000 and a free Uzi skin
- LOTSOFLIKES: Redeem this code and get the Cyan Pixels gun skin
- MILLIONVISITS: Redeem this code and get a Rainbox Pixels skin
- 4KL1K3S: Redeem this code and get a Green Sparkles skin
- UNIVERSE: Redeem this code and get a Rare Clouds skin
- 2KLIKES: Redeem this code and get a Diamond Pistol skin
For now, there are no expired codes in Zombie Tycoon. As soon as we have any expired ones we will add them to this listing.
How to redeem Zombie Tycoon codes
In order to redeem the codes in Zombie Tycoon you will simply need to access this Twitter birdie button that says “codes” and a new tab will appear where it will give you the option to copy all the codes we have put in the valid section.
We recommend that you add them as soon as possible because they end up expiring!
How can you find out about new codes??
The creators of the game have a Twitter account where they are adding the codes and you can easily follow this link: https://twitter.com/ReunitedGames
Enjoy these codes, but not before, visit our section with all Roblox codes.
More Roblox game codes